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Conscious Conversations For Men

What is it?
In-person monthly men’s event we created to come together to support, empower, and acknowledge one another. A sacred space to take off the mask of masculinity and remove the armor which blocks us from the one thing we want most in life — Deep and intimate connection! A safe container for men to share what’s most alive and permission to share their truth.

Why now?
Us men are literally killing ourselves and those we love most. We don’t ask for help. We try and do everything on our own. We say we’re doing “fine,” when in fact, we’re struggling and suffering.

We turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, gambling, and food to “numb out” as a coping mechanism to try and deal overwhelm of stress and anxiety, unresolved traumas, and unprocessed emotions. And the question I asked myself was, “What am I doing about it? How am I being the change I want to see in the world?”

Who is it for?
Any man who desires more connection with other men and community of like-minded people coming together to support, empower, and acknowledge one another.

Men who want more…vulnerability
Men who want more…truth
Men who want more…open hearts
Men who want more…intimate connection
Men who want more…healthy, mature, and conscious masculinity
Men who want to become better leaders for their family and community.
Men who want more effective tools to create emotional resilience and mental health strength.

Gather in Encinitas Thursday, September 29th

Make sure and get your ticket now before it sells out. Tickets will not be available at the door.

What to bring?
Journal, pen, comfortable clothes, and open heart and mind.

Instagram: @TheAndrewSchultz

November 8

Coastal Entrepreneurs Networking Event (November)

December 8

Of Stardust Live