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New Moon Reiki Sound Bath (September)

New Moon Reiki Sound Bath description:

We can mirror the moon, starting over fresh and new. Vibrating our energy to a higher frequency with the help of reiki and sound therapy.

About this event

Join us for our next New Moon Reiki Sound Bath. Under the New Moon, we plant seeds, water the soils of our desires, and weed away any energy and limiting beliefs that are obstructing your growth Gathering for this Reiki Sound Bath expect to:

  • Circle in community

  • Set intentions for this Moon cycle

  • Gently move your body through guided relaxation

  • Bathe in the frequencies of healing Sound Bowls, Chimes, and instruments

  • Receive Reiki healing, moving the flow and releasing stagnant energy

  • Be soothed and led by Masha’s words in guided meditation

How does sound healing and Reiki shift your energy and guide you to rewrite subconscious beliefs?

Sound healing synchronizes your body’s vibration with that of healing sounds to bring your into a state of deep receptive relaxation. The sound vibrations shift your brain waves from a beta wave to alpha or theta wave, or a more calm, intuitive and trance like states. From this space, you are more easily suggestible as you are tapping into your subconscious mind, which houses your core beliefs about yourself, others and life at large. It is from these beliefs that you manifest your reality. Similarly, Reiki brings the mind•body into a state of deep relaxation, opening the doors for physical and emotional healing at a deeper level. The Reiki practitioner channels Ki (energy) into your auric field to restore the flow of energy through and around the body, bringing it into a state for optimal healing that ultimately occurs from within.

What will you need? An open and curious mind and heart and anything to optimize your comfort (yoga mat, blankets, cushions, eye pillow… )

Blessings ,

Masha and Grace

September 23

Mind/Body/Breath Men's Group (9.23.22)

September 30

Mind/Body/Breath Men's Group (9.30.22)